An unusual café employing extraordinary women. Women from abroad who have found safety and a new home in Slovakia, but have difficulties finding employment.

What is Mareena café?
In 2021, we started Mareena café, a social business café providing employment opportunities for women with international protection and third-country migrant women.
Our goal is to increase their financial independence and social inclusion, help them develop their potential and work-related skills, and at the same time promote understanding between locals and foreigners.
We launched in Propeller and employed eight women from Somalia, Afghanistan, Iran, Camerun, and Ukraine.

Why is Mareena café important?
People granted international protection have been persistently experiencing difficulties entering the Slovak labour market. Their job-seeking efforts have been, among other things, hindered by a complicated diploma recognition process, language bareer, administrative burden for the employer or discrimination on the basis of religion or ethnicity.
That is why we created Mareena Café – a place where we help migrant women overcome the language barrier and where it doesn't matter where they come from or what education level they have. Mareena café is a stepping stone to better language skills and new skills they can later use in another job.
Where to find us
Do you want to learn more about Mareena café, support it or work in it?