We are trying to bring more diversity into lives of people living in Slovakia. Check how our campaigns are going.

How do foreigners, who are forced either because of war or for other reasons to seek a refuge, feel in a foreign city? They are alone and need your help. Help them as a volunteer with paperwork for authorities, with the learning of language or other practical matters.

Commited communities is a showcase and appreciation of kind and helpful activities connecting people from Ukraine with Slovak communities. We believe that the Engaged Community will be an inspiration for those who are starting interesting activities to support communities and want to gain information, courage or visions.

An unusual café employing extraordinary women. Women from abroad who have found safety and a new home in Slovakia, but have difficulties finding employment.

For many people in Afghanistan, the takeover of power by the Taliban poses a direct threat to their life or the loss of their fundamental rights and freedoms.

Cell phone out of power, fear of spiders, or love for family. Funny illustrations show what Muslims and non-Muslims have in common.

They were born abroad or have Slovak-foreign origin, but they work and study with us. Simply put, they are ours (naši). And they can be yours, too.

When they grow up, we all can make the world a place, where it does not matter where you’re from or your skin colour. Help us to show children the world as it is – diverse.

International cuisine is a normal part of our lives, why can't the foreigners be a part of it too?